Applied Linguistics Press

Open Science in Applied Linguistics

Luke Plonsky, 2024

(PDFs of individual chapters can be downloaded using the links below.)

Section I: Conceptual Introduction

1. The Era of Open Science is Here (Or, Why a More Open Science is also a Higher Quality Science)

Luke Plonsky

2. Open Science in Applied Linguistics: An Introduction to Metascience

Ali Al-Hoorie & Phil Hiver

3. Research Ethics in Open Science within Applied Linguistics

Scott Sterling

4. Open Science in Applied Linguistics: A Preliminary Survey

Meng Liu & Cécile de Cat

Section II: Application

5. Open Science and Research Materials

Alison Mackey, Kris Cook, & Erin Fell

6. Open Science, Data Analysis, and Data Sharing

Daniel R. Isbell

7. Developing and Disseminating Data Analysis Tools for Open Science

Atsushi Mizumoto

8. Open Science and Preregistration 

Amanda Huensch

9. Replication and Open Science in Applied Linguistics Research 

Kevin McManus

10. Open Science and Accessible Research  

Rachel Showstack

Section III: Open Science at the Organizational and Institutional Level

11. Promoting Open Science Practices: What Can (Should) Graduate Programs Do?

Bronson Hui & Elizabeth Huntley

12. The Role of Learned Societies and Grant-Funding Agencies in Fostering a Culture of Open Science

Marc Brysbaert

13. The Role of Journals and Journal Editors in Fostering a Culture of Open


Rita Elaine Silver & Evangeline Lin

Section IV: Closing

14. Afterword: Going Forward with Open Science for Applied Linguistics

Emma Marsden

Please cite as:

Plonsky, L. (Ed.) (2024). Open science in applied linguistics. Applied Linguistics


Open Science in Applied Linguistics © 2024 by Luke Plonsky is licensed under CC

BY-NC-ND 4.0

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